
Friday, 29 May 2020

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Thursday, 7 May 2020

persuasive writing advert

this week for our digital learning we did persuasive writing we had to make a advertisement to persuade people to ''buying our product'' the challenging thing was getting the edited video onto my blog.The most fun but was making the video. The thing I could do differently would be to film in a different place with less noise.


This week for the tekahu class digital learning.
 We had a task set for us on khan academy about coordinates if you don't know what a coordinate plane is it is a big square filled up with 4 lines that makes smaller squares and on the 4 lines there are numbers and they go up to whatever number you want to make it.The two bottom left lines are minus numbers and the two top right lines are just normal numbers.
Anyway the task was very challenging and fun at times but I learnt a lot and I hope you do to.