
Friday, 26 June 2020

weekly reflection

                                                         weekly reflection

a highlight...  I spent my time wisely on work and I have been on top

a success...    completing all my work to a high standard

challenge...    completing all my work to a high standard because there was lots of things on the checklist 

something to work on ... the work on better handwriting and knowing my math a little bit better

character web


nga kai

for one this weeks tasks in tekahu we had to the the these foods in maori and then use vocaroo to do a voice over.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

unreal animal

this week in kahu class we had to do a task on creative writing and create a unreal crazy animal and this is what I've come up with

Monday, 22 June 2020

Thursday, 18 June 2020

this week one of tekahu's tasks was creative writing because we are writing a book for the little ones the entry level Class's enjoy.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Manu tukutuku steam challenge

for this week's steam Challenge we had to make a Manu tukutuku which is a Maori kite using toi toi, flags, sticks, hot glue and paint it was great fun.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

the lighthouse story unpacking.

The Lighthouse

Who are the characters
in this story? 
The old man with the grey beard and tool
box. And all the people that helped get light to the
light house.
Describe where this
story is set? 
On a island
in a light house.
Explain the opening
of the story?
The old man righting and then the
light house lights go off.
What happens during the
build up of this story? 
The old man sees a big boat and
runs to grab his tool box then runs up the stairs and trys
to lift the light up but trips and falls.
What is the dilemma? 
The lighthouse light goes off and a boat
almost crashes into the lighthouse
How is this resolved? 
Lots of people come onto the island with lamps
and guide the boat the other way
How does the story end? 
The boat turns right and just makes it
out in one piece.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

matariki animation

this is my matariki animation it was about how the matariki Stars came around and how they became the sign of the maori new year