
Monday, 7 December 2020

camping recount

               In school camp recount 2020


The second I heard that school camp was on a jump with


thinking of all the cool and fun activities that we were going to do.

Then suddenly I heard the call from my mum softly

echoing through the house so I ran rapidly from one end of the

house to another thinking she was going to give me a fat ‘’hiding’’

but once I got there I heard something much worse than a fat hiding...

CAMP WAS CANCELLED after that all I was thinking of was what

was going to happen next. Then mum said that we were going to

have an in school camp! 

Then all my excitement came back even though it wasn't going

to be as fun I was still super excited to be going on camp.

Day 1. Day 1 was pretty sick. We had a big sports rotation for

all the school hours then after school hours we did a big Amazing

Race then later we had some yummy Kai then play three rounds

of Spotlight before bed.

Then it was bed-time so we all got under our sheets and

sleeping bags and watched some SpongeBob and went to sleep.

Day 2. We woke up after an average sleep picked up your day

bags and headed to the. After the bumpy bus ride we made it to

Matai Bay. The water was clear as a glass cup. The Sand was salty yellow. At the beach we made Sandcastles ridiculously comfortable Sanchez and swam in the water all day then toward the end of the day it started to pull down and we had to rush onto the bus and went back to school. Since it was only 45 minutes till the end of the day we just played.

The people at camp this year were Mr Dickinson,

Mr Maskell, Mrs Mulholland, Mr Richards, Mr Tye and all

of the teachers.

Then it was the end of the day and all the parents were

collecting the kids. Did I got home just waiting for tomorrow.

Day 3. day 3 was pretty cool too it started off with a little

bit of production practice because we're a little bit late to start.

Then we went to the movies for the rest of the day and watched

the war with Grandpa it was a really great movie I really want to

watch it again 

Day 4. I just woke up like I was awake the whole night.

You could tell I was fishing to go I ran out the door with my bag

barely holding on and got in the car just waiting for everyone to

hurry up… finally we made it to school I was really excited.

We all got ready to walk down the hill to the pools.

The pool day was so much fun we were eating popping

fat manus in the diving pool and the end result was a red

bruise back. Besides that it was an awesome day in conclusion 

this is a recount of the 2020 school camp.




Thursday, 12 November 2020

Cybersmart News artical


This weeks cybersmart task was to do a news artical about the two haku film festival that was held up here in kaitaia and what happened. This is what I have created.

Catherine McAuley slide deck


this week we were given a slide deck about Catherine McAuley to complete it is just some simple knowledge work that we had to do. Chur.

Monday, 9 November 2020

brands collage


 over the last week we had to make a collage of our favorite brands and fashions my favorite brands are quite outdoor related but this task was up to you.

Friday, 6 November 2020

weekly reflection


  • What did I enjoy this week? This week I enjoyed learning how to knit since I had never done knitting before it was a bit hard but I quickly got used to it.

  • What was one success I have had and why? One success I had was being able to finish my contract last week I didn't finish my contract and I was a bit annoyed at this week I knuckle down and went hard and I finished .

  • What is something that I found challenging and why? This week I found this new maths game a bit challenging with mrs lawless I couldn't quite figure on my times tables and which caused us a los but it's all good.

  • What is one thing I have learned? this week I learnt how to knit with felt and fabric.

  • What is something I am looking forward to next week? I'm looking Forward to coming back to school and seeing my friends and doing learning and playing.

  • How have I shown the value of Pono this week? I have shown the value off to know by being truthful and nice to my friends and making sure everyone is fine.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

weekly reflection

  • What did I enjoy this week? This week I enjoy tech/ technology I love welding in the end getting better using the grinder to smoothen out my welds and make sure that all the steel was shiny and clean but overall my favourite was the welder think that sticking steel together is the funniest thing to do at tech.

  • What was one success I have had and why? This week's my success was finishing the frame on my Diecast motorbike that I'm making a tech. I managed to make the welds straight and strong enough to hold everything together.

  • What is something that I found challenging and why? this week I found a pat maths test a big challenge it was 40 questions straight without one rest we had a 45-minute time limit. IT WAS HARD.

  • What is one thing I have learned? The one thing that I learnt this week was how to write a letter properly. I guess I was pretty bad at writing letters because I was going back and forth to the teacher every five minutes but with all that hard work I managed to produce a very good letter.

  • What is something I am looking forward to next week? Next week I'm looking forward to striving to finish my contract again this week I wasn't on point but next week I'm going to try my hardest.

  • How have I shown the value of Pono this week? I make sure that I'm always polite and nice and telling the truth to everyone and always make sure I'm using my manners and thinking before acting.


Friday, 16 October 2020

weekly reflection

What did I enjoy this week? This week I enjoyed doing athletics I love doing high jump and I think I have a good chance at getting top 3 in high jump. What was one success I have had and why? 1 success I had this week was finishing all my work to a high standard I worked hard all this week and it all paid off. What is something that I found challenging and why? This week's a challenge was discus I haven't thrown a discus. In a long time and it was quite hard to get back into it and get used to it. What is one thing I have learned? This week I learnt how to jump high jump with my right foot I usually jump with my left I was quite hard at first but with a little bit of time trying it I got it right. What is something I am looking forward to next week? I'm looking forward to finding out who's going to make it into the athletics zones. How have I shown the value of Pono this week? By being truthful and polite to everyone.



This week one of our tasks was the arts. arts like dancing, filming, drawing etc we basically had to explain what they are in detail.



 For this week's Cybersmart task we had to do media we had to find out different kinds of media and basically what media is.

what makes an action-packed day.

 What makes an action packed day.

It was 4 in the morning. I could hear the jug boiling with a small rubble.

I heard Dad turning on the car to get it ready for the two and a half hour trip ahead of us, so I got up,

got changed, put my hat on and I ran out the door into the car. While my brother and sister were sleeping.

I was watching a movie on the TV. Then the sun just rose at around 7:30 and we had made it up to the track.

I got out of the car and ran to the back of the trailer to open up the tailgate to get our bikes out.

Around 40 minutes had past and we had  just came back from race briefing. Then I found out that

my first Moto was second up so I ran to my bike took my goggles off from around my handlebars

and went down the Raceway to the starting line testing my brakes and making sure everything was

in perfect shape before I went off for the long race ahead of me.

Then it was around 12 minutes later when I saw the Chequered Flag for the MX 450 race.

So me and my friend Jay cranked up our bikes and started revving them to make sure they were

warmed up. Then I saw the 10-second sign so I clicked up into second gear and scooted up on the

seat and started revving my bike.

Then with a blink of an eye the gate dropped and I was in 3rd in the first corner then with a bit

of hard-and-fast racing I made my way up to first and that was surprisingly where I stayed. I had to        

battle a little bit with Jay and the other people because I had a crash but in the end I made

it to the finish line and one piece and what do you know in 2nd now I knew that this definitely

was not my best race just because of the big crash that I had. but there was still two more races I had

to redeem myself so I didn't worry too much.

Then about half an hour later Dad got my bike off of the stand while I got my gear on.

Now at this point I was ready to go so I said my goodbyes to mum and Dad  then I headed to

the starting line for the 2nd moto. 

It was the last couple minutes of the mx 450 class race the white flag was out which meant

that it was the last lap so we started to stretch and prep our selfies for the race just then we

saw the Chequered Flag for the 450 class so then we got our bikes going and warmed them up

then the  guy put the ten second sign up so we put our bikes in gear and started revving then we

looked down at the gate with lots of confidence then that second it dropped to the ground with a bang!

And all the riders zoomed off ( including me ) we all boosted around the first corner I just pined the throttle

on and flew past everyone on the first double jump putting me into first place and then I tried to check out

from the other riders it turned out I checked out about a quarter of a lap from second place all I did was

raced my own race at my own pace for the rest on the race AND GOT A FIRST PLACE! Yaasss! And

that first place gave me a BIG boost of confidence to go and get another one so I went straight back

to the trailer and filled my bike up with gas and got it ready for the next and last race.

This was the last race you would probably think that I would be exhausted and probably not even

want to race the last race but you know what this was the most energetic time of the day for me

I was so eager to get up there and race that I was the first one on the line and slowly people started

to show up. Time must have Flyed by then because everyone was already starting and revving their

engines. I started my bike up and got it ready. I pulled my sleeve down and cleaned out my goggles

so that I could have a clear look at where I had to go. Then I clicked up into gear, got into my starting

position and the gate dropped I got off to a cracking start I went as hard as I could go and for a few laps

I was in front of a 13 year old I tried my hardest to stay in front of him but I started to get a bit tired so I

just kept going and didn't stop and made it to the finish line it was a really good feeling that I worked really

really hard and it all paid off.

So I rode back to the truck loaded my bike

up and got the heck out of there.

To be continued…..

Monday, 14 September 2020

Social justice week

one of this week's task was the social Justice week task we had to create a timeline of what has happened in the past and we had to create a definition and a example about what social justice week is. We had to create some scriptures about social justice week for people to understand social justice more thanks.

Social justice week DLO


this week one of our tasks was to create a DLO (Digital Learning Object) about social justice week. We had a list of questions we had to answer thanks.

Friday, 11 September 2020

weekly reflection


  • What did I enjoy this week? this week I enjoyed doing poetry it was lots of fun writing and reviewing our haikus and poems on our poetry square which you can see on my blog.

  • What was one success I have had and why? success I had this week was finishing my poetry Square with great difficulty I managed to finish it up nice and neat

  • What is something that I found challenging and why? the challenge this week was our times tables math test I was aiming to get 100 but I got just under 100 in 5 minutes I was still proud of myself though.

  • What is one thing I have learned? I have learnt how many syllables are in each line of a haiku

  • What is something I am looking forward to next week? I'm looking for to my first soccer game on Saturday it is going to be so much fun

  • How have I shown the value of Pono this week? I have told the truth and never tell a lie and have been true to myself and making positive choices.

poetry Square


this week's task was to do a poetry square we had to choose out of these ACROSTIC BALLAD,  CINQUAIN, DIAMANTE,  SHAKESPEAREAN, SONNET TANK, RIDDLE, EPIGRAM, HAIKU, ODE, LYRIC, LIMERICK, FREE VERSE, SHAPE, LIST, POEM ,NARRATIVE POEM. I chose a haiku. You had to write your own one and review it and then post your poetry square on the your blog. Here is what I have made.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

spoken word

 Over the last few days we have been working on poetry/ spoken word we have to watch four different videos and choose one and find out more about I had chosen the video sorry because the person explained very well about what is happening to nature and our animals he remind me and many to remember to look after this world that we live is kia kaha enjoy.

Friday, 4 September 2020

weekly reflection

  • What did I enjoy this week? this week I enjoyed making our films for the film festival we had a lot of fun making it and editing it.

  • What was one success I have had and why? my success this week was just finishing my film in time for the judge's to see who is going to present there film at the festival.

  • What is something that I found challenging and why? this week the challenging thing was maths everyday in the morning when we arrived to school we had to do a times tables test at times it was very hard and sometimes it was quite easy.

  • What is one thing I have learned? this week I have learnt much more about algebra and what the letters mean.

  • What is something I am looking forward to next week? thanks week I am looking forward to seeing if our prime minister Jacinda ardern will put us down to level one this means that I can go back to motocross and scoring more points

  • How have I shown the value of Pono this week? Sean Paul this week by telling the truth and making sure people are all right.

  • Anything else you would like to add. No.

independent learning

Friday, 28 August 2020

weekly reflection


What did I enjoy this week? this week I enjoyed doing the Daffodil Day at because we got to play with lots of different crafting items and have fun. 

What was something that was a success and why? a successful is my art I finished it nicely and the colors were amazing. 

What was something challenging and why? Challenger things or something was amiss test we had to go through level 3 4 and 5 algebra it was hard!!

What was something that I learned? this week I learnt how to blend colours with a pestle it can make your art look a lot better.

What am I looking forward to next week? I'm looking Forbes to going for a drive with Max at our motocross track it's gonna be so much fun!

I have showed pono this week by owning my own behaviour and telling the truth to everyone.

blooms taxonomy tasks

priest, deacon and bishop infographic.


Monday, 24 August 2020

poem of my special place.

 ruakaka motocross track

Motorbikes soaring weightlessly over massive jumps.

Fresh fumes coming from the motorbikes exhausts.

Roar of the two-stroke and four-stroke motorbikes at the starting gates.

Cold breeze pounding on my face as I go off a jump.

Dew in the air as I ride rapidly around the corner.

I have a good chance of getting a good place.

kade and Noah Barrier Game Player A- Master

today with whaea donna we played a game called barrier the game worked like this. player A a has a picture of the way the things are put then you have to describe two player b how the pictures of put in the grid then player A trys sorting it out. it was very challenging because you could not see the other person to get an idea of how the pictures were put in the grid.

Friday, 21 August 2020

weekly reflection

 What did I enjoy this week? This week i enjoyed making pop art it was super fun cutting out and gluing our pieces of paper and putting it on the sheet they all came out as very cool pieces of art.

What was one success I had and why? graduate profile because we got to choose a word that we like and maybe passionate for and describe it and find out different things that we Didn't know about the word.

What is something challenging and why? the challenges week was speeches I'm not a very good public speaker so it was really challenging for me to go up and speak in front of people but I did it.                      

What is something that I learnt? this week I learnt how to create pop art using pieces of paper, glue and pens and pencils. 

What am I looking for to next week? next week I am looking for to going for a motorbike ride at the track I'm going to practice motocross and get ready for the next motocross race.

I have showed pono this week by not lying or telling people fake things that haven't happened I have stayed true.


Friday, 7 August 2020

graduate profile

weekly reflection

The challenge this week would be rugby 7s training because it has been 3 years since I last played rugby so it was a bit tricky getting back into it.

The highlight this week would be tech because we switch classes now we're doing metal work I love to weld so it was heaps of fun seeing the workshop and all the tools.

The success this week is our fundraiser we have raised over $6,000 that means we have raised almost $1,000 every week thats alot.

Something I learned was triangular problems they are like triangular patterns. lets say that the 4th pattern is 10 dots so how much is the 10th pattern but you have to add 1 dot every pattern its pretty confusing.

Something I'm looking forward to. I'm looking forward to my second motocross race of the series at the moment I am in first place I'm aiming for the podium hopefully I can do it.  

Friday, 31 July 2020

the life of hildegard of bingen

weekly reflection

The challenge  this week was our skeletons because it was hard to find which bone goes where but we finish the skeleton with a couple mismatching bones but it was alright.

The highlight  this week would be Rippa rugby because we haven't played Rippa rugby here at our school for a long time and it's just heaps of fun playing with a ball.

The success this week would have to be our fundraiser because we have just raised over $1,500 in our class to put towards cool prizes and toys depending on how much money we have raised.

Something I learnt was the bones inside of a person and what all the names are it was very interesting seeing the inside of a human body.

Something I'm looking forward to is soccer on Saturday because it is our second game of the season and we're hoping for another win.

Monday, 27 July 2020


today for Cybersmart we had two thumbs up and thumbs down and the people's blog comments depending on what they say and how they say it and what they share.

Friday, 24 July 2020

weekly reflection

The challenge for this week was my the math x test the questions the very confusing and tricky but I never gave up and I kept going and finished it.

The highlight was  doing my special character teamwork it felt like I was a big leader and still getting all my 
work done It felt good to be doing things for the school.

A success would have to be math work Im getting much better at divided bys times tables i've come along way in math from the start of the year and Im very proud of my work this year.

I learned how to teach kids silent prayer when I was running prayer rotation this week.

I'm looking forward to my next motocross race Im currently in 1st for the championship and I'm going for top 3 hopefully I can make it. 

prayer DLO

Monday, 20 July 2020


something I enjoy about cybersmart                           

I enjoy learning more about help people react on the internet in the world and how to protect my personal information on my device.

 something new I want to learn

I want to learn more about about how to protect my device from strangers and how to deal with people hacking into my personal information and other things.

Friday, 3 July 2020

end of term reflection

Something that was a Highlight.
The highlight of this term was coming back from lockdown not sick.
Seeing my friends was a big highlight because I hadn't seen them for over
3 months. Also a good highlight was seeing my friends in healthy condition. 

Something that was a Challenge.
The challenge would have to be the algebra.
it was so confusing and I couldn't work it out at the time.
Some time has passed and now I can understand algebra a bit better and now
I like algebra. It is a good challenge to add to Maths and it is fun to do.

Something that was a Success.
It would definitely have been my math because I've learnt lots more
and almost know all my times tables off by heart.
At the start of the year I was very poor at maths particularly times
tables and divided bys.

Something that I learned. I learned to play two up.
I thought it was a very confusing game before I played it.
Now I like playing and it's very easy to understand and play.

Something im looking forward to 

This holiday I'm looking forward to going racing and riding my dirt bike.
I want to try to get third overall this time since last time I got 4th.
Hopefully I can do it.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Friday, 26 June 2020

weekly reflection

                                                         weekly reflection

a highlight...  I spent my time wisely on work and I have been on top

a success...    completing all my work to a high standard

challenge...    completing all my work to a high standard because there was lots of things on the checklist 

something to work on ... the work on better handwriting and knowing my math a little bit better

character web


nga kai

for one this weeks tasks in tekahu we had to the the these foods in maori and then use vocaroo to do a voice over.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

unreal animal

this week in kahu class we had to do a task on creative writing and create a unreal crazy animal and this is what I've come up with

Monday, 22 June 2020

Thursday, 18 June 2020

this week one of tekahu's tasks was creative writing because we are writing a book for the little ones the entry level Class's enjoy.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Manu tukutuku steam challenge

for this week's steam Challenge we had to make a Manu tukutuku which is a Maori kite using toi toi, flags, sticks, hot glue and paint it was great fun.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

the lighthouse story unpacking.

The Lighthouse

Who are the characters
in this story? 
The old man with the grey beard and tool
box. And all the people that helped get light to the
light house.
Describe where this
story is set? 
On a island
in a light house.
Explain the opening
of the story?
The old man righting and then the
light house lights go off.
What happens during the
build up of this story? 
The old man sees a big boat and
runs to grab his tool box then runs up the stairs and trys
to lift the light up but trips and falls.
What is the dilemma? 
The lighthouse light goes off and a boat
almost crashes into the lighthouse
How is this resolved? 
Lots of people come onto the island with lamps
and guide the boat the other way
How does the story end? 
The boat turns right and just makes it
out in one piece.