What makes an action packed day.
It was 4 in the morning. I could hear the jug boiling with a small rubble.
I heard Dad turning on the car to get it ready for the two and a half hour trip ahead of us, so I got up,
got changed, put my hat on and I ran out the door into the car. While my brother and sister were sleeping.
I was watching a movie on the TV. Then the sun just rose at around 7:30 and we had made it up to the track.
I got out of the car and ran to the back of the trailer to open up the tailgate to get our bikes out.
Around 40 minutes had past and we had just came back from race briefing. Then I found out that
my first Moto was second up so I ran to my bike took my goggles off from around my handlebars
and went down the Raceway to the starting line testing my brakes and making sure everything was
in perfect shape before I went off for the long race ahead of me.
Then it was around 12 minutes later when I saw the Chequered Flag for the MX 450 race.
So me and my friend Jay cranked up our bikes and started revving them to make sure they were
warmed up. Then I saw the 10-second sign so I clicked up into second gear and scooted up on the
seat and started revving my bike.
Then with a blink of an eye the gate dropped and I was in 3rd in the first corner then with a bit
of hard-and-fast racing I made my way up to first and that was surprisingly where I stayed. I had to
battle a little bit with Jay and the other people because I had a crash but in the end I made
it to the finish line and one piece and what do you know in 2nd now I knew that this definitely
was not my best race just because of the big crash that I had. but there was still two more races I had
to redeem myself so I didn't worry too much.
Then about half an hour later Dad got my bike off of the stand while I got my gear on.
Now at this point I was ready to go so I said my goodbyes to mum and Dad then I headed to
the starting line for the 2nd moto.
It was the last couple minutes of the mx 450 class race the white flag was out which meant
that it was the last lap so we started to stretch and prep our selfies for the race just then we
saw the Chequered Flag for the 450 class so then we got our bikes going and warmed them up
then the guy put the ten second sign up so we put our bikes in gear and started revving then we
looked down at the gate with lots of confidence then that second it dropped to the ground with a bang!
And all the riders zoomed off ( including me ) we all boosted around the first corner I just pined the throttle
on and flew past everyone on the first double jump putting me into first place and then I tried to check out
from the other riders it turned out I checked out about a quarter of a lap from second place all I did was
raced my own race at my own pace for the rest on the race AND GOT A FIRST PLACE! Yaasss! And
that first place gave me a BIG boost of confidence to go and get another one so I went straight back
to the trailer and filled my bike up with gas and got it ready for the next and last race.
This was the last race you would probably think that I would be exhausted and probably not even
want to race the last race but you know what this was the most energetic time of the day for me
I was so eager to get up there and race that I was the first one on the line and slowly people started
to show up. Time must have Flyed by then because everyone was already starting and revving their
engines. I started my bike up and got it ready. I pulled my sleeve down and cleaned out my goggles
so that I could have a clear look at where I had to go. Then I clicked up into gear, got into my starting
position and the gate dropped I got off to a cracking start I went as hard as I could go and for a few laps
I was in front of a 13 year old I tried my hardest to stay in front of him but I started to get a bit tired so I
just kept going and didn't stop and made it to the finish line it was a really good feeling that I worked really
really hard and it all paid off.
So I rode back to the truck loaded my bike
up and got the heck out of there.
To be continued…..
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